Friends Of Wandle Park
The Friends of Wandle Park is a group of volunteers who meet regularly to further the interest of Wandle Park by maintaining the environment and improving the facilities for everyone who uses the Park. If you would like to join the Friends, please send an email to:
In Attendance: Nick Barnett (Chair), George Wright (Minutes), Liz Moore, Simon Jones, Janet Jones (member), Andrew Dickinson, Tom Smith (guest).
Apologies: Michael Khan, Ally McKinlay, Irma Upex-Huggins, Jane Innis (member)
Minutes of Previous meeting: Read and agreed
Matters arising: Re Park gate to South Quarter. It is now understood that this is a matter that TFL and Croydon Council need to resolve between them.
Concerning Face book, it was observed that Tom Sweeney used the ‘Friends’ title to set this up, without apparent consultation with the Friends
Nick informed the meeting that sadly, Liz is resigning from the Committee for personal reasons but will remain a Friend. Her contributions over many years were greatly appreciated.
Nick agreed to approach Michael (Khan) to check whether the Google group for members was operating well as the response to invitations to the Open meeting was poor (Action Nick).
Simon raised the question of St Edmunds Church by the Cornwall Rd entrance. This has been sold to a firm of property developers and George and Simon meet them by chance several days ago. It was agreed that the Friends need to keep a close eye on any ensuing planning application that might impact adversely on the park or park users. The Friends will also write to Croydon Council to ask to be kept informed. (Action George)
Concern was expressed about the lack of any interim toilet facilities that has resulted in many people using areas such as the rear of the Café or the bushes by the Rose Garden, overlooked respectively by householders and residents in the flats for elderly people, to defecate and urinate. All other parks have toilet blocks. It is appreciated this problem will be lessened during the time the café is open, once it does. However, there seems to have been no policing of this behaviour. The Ranger hours do not extend to Sundays, perhaps the busiest day of all in the park. (Action George to write to Tony Brooks)
Similarly, there is a potential problem with the lack of restricted parking in the park. Cars are left there all day while people use it as a free car park to go off into Croydon or to avoid getting residents permits or use the tram from there. This is not genuine use and leaves less space for those coming by car to use the park and especially disabled drivers or those with small children. There are no visible parking bays or yellow lines for parking outside of these. As a result, on busy days the area is a dangerous jumble of vehicles. Action George to include this in his letter to Tony Brooks)
Tom informed the meeting that COAD (Croydon Operatic and Amateur Dramatic Society) plan to hold “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” on 6 occasions at the park bandstand in late July / early August and Friends are invited to act as stewards. He did not have the precise dates and times with him but will notify us shortly. (Action: put out appeal for volunteers when details are to hand- via the google members list. Consider leaflet re Friends to go on the seats)
Tom outlined the plans for the Park Garden Party to be held on 27th July 2014. These include an acoustic band supplied via the Oval pub, story telling, face painting, a bear hunt. Other ideas discussed were getting Doctor Bike there, having a children’s painting competition, a tug-o war, drumming workshop (Andrew to enquire), chess and drafts in the Rose Garden, poetry readings and something like plastic duck or pooh stick race on the river. Nick reminded the meeting that he and Pierre had agreed to set up a cricket game (clock cricket could be the best version for a fair type setting. (Action: Friends to firm up on one or more of these activities, ask Irma to contact Poets Anonymous. Friends to advise Nick on support for his nominated activity.)
Tom said Ally’s group were commissioned to make a ceramic totem pole based on an eco-food chain concept. The meeting thought this sounded great. It is not clear yet where it would be sited
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Not fixed. To be notified by Chair.
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Wandle Park is developing with two exciting community projects gaining momentum and new friends joining the groupI

Friends Of Wandle Park
Hello & Welcome. The Friends Of Wandle Park are a dedicated group of local residents passionate about the care & use of our green spaces.

Wandle Park News
Well we have had a very storm few weeks at the park & continued rain has caused the water to rise, however we are pleased to report very little damage has occurred, for which we are very grateful!I

Friends Of Wandle Park

Friends Meetings
Hello & Welcome. The Friends Of Wandle Park are a dedicated group of local residents passionate about the care & use of our green spaces.

Wandle Park Facilities
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We are delighted to report that the newest facilities in Wandle Park, the cafe & toilets are very near completion despite the current storms & all that remains is finding the right tennant to lease the cafe to. If you are a community minded business person interested in the site please contact us for more information!m a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company.
We hold regular meetings for interested parties to make decisions about the care & upkeep of the park. Check back soon for more details on the next event.I