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I'm a The Constitution of The Friends of Wandle Park
(amended at AGM 11.06.13)
1. Name of The Group
The Group shall be called The Friends of Wandle Park
2. Aims of The Group
The chief aims and activities of The Group shall be in consultation with and with the approval of the London Borough of Croydon
2.1 To ensure that Wandle Park is maintained:
(a) for the benefit of the flora and fauna so that no one species shall threaten the survival of another and:
(b) for the enjoyment and well being of the public
2.2 To carry out programmes of practical work, especially sustainable conservation and restoration work
2.3 Educate volunteers of all ages in the principles and practices of nature conservation and encourage the public interest in Wandle Park
2.4 Act as a forum for discussion on issues that may affect the aims & activities
2.5 Raise money as necessary for carrying out its work
2.6 The area served shall be Wandle Park as contained in the boundaries controlled by the London Borough of Croydon
3. Membership
3.3 Membership shall be open to any person (aged 16 or over) who supports the aims of The Group. However, children under the age of 16 can participate if supervised by a parent or guardian
3.4 A person shall be deemed to be a member of The Group if they have completed a membership form and paid their annual membership fee
3.5 The Group shall not refuse any request for membership on grounds of an applicant's race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, disability, age or sexual orientation. No member shall be treated less favourably on these grounds
4. Annual General Meeting
4.1 There shall be an open Annual General Meeting of The Group at which voting shall be restricted to all members who have subscribed in accordance with section 3.2
5. The Purpose of the Annual General Meeting
5.1 The AGM shall elect a management committee to administer the activities of The Group consisting of a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer and any other officers which the meeting shall consider desirable
5.2 Receive a report from the Chair of the Committee on the activities of The Group over the previous year
5.3 Advise the members of any changes or additions to the management plan for achieving the aims of The Group as set out in section 2
5.4 Conduct any other business that it considers necessary to further the aims of The Group
5.5 Receive annual accounts from the Treasurer and review the annual membership fee
6. Summoning and Conduct of the Annual General Meeting
6.1 The Committee shall be responsible for arranging the time and venue of the meeting
6.2 The Secretary shall notify The Group 4 weeks in advance of the time and venue and request nominations from the members, which must be seconded by another subscribed member for the officer posts specified in section 5.1
6.3 If elections are necessary for officer or committee posts they shall be conducted by secret ballot
6.4 All decisions of the meeting shall be by majority voting of members
6.5 No Annual General Meeting shall conduct the business set out in section 5 unless it is attended by at least 10 registered members or 60% of the membership
6.6 In the event of a quorum not being achieved the Management Committee shall convene a Special General Meeting and business will be conducted if a quorum is not achieved on the second occasion
6.7 The Chair of The Group shall preside at the AGM. In his / her absence a committee member agreed by the majority shall preside
7. The Committee
7.1 The Committee shall be responsible for the general administration of The Group and the enactment of the decisions of AGMs or Special meetings
7.2 The Committee shall consist of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least 4 but no more than 7 other members
7.3 The Treasurer shall keep accounts which will be submitted annually to inspection by a person who shall not be a member ofThe Group but who shall be nominated by the committee
7.4 The Committee shall ensure that all monies raised for The Group are paid into a bank account or building society account. Also ensure that the account is operated on the joint signatories of any two of three officers, one being the Treasurer and the other two being appointed by the Committee for that purpose
7.5 The Committee shall arrange for all volunteers on work parties to be adequately insured and for adequate insurance for injuries to third parties and damage to property
7.6 No decisions shall be made by the Committee if it is attended by less than 5 members
7.7 The Committee shall decide the duties of each of the Committee members and one member shall be responsible for keeping a list and enrolling new members
7.8 The Committee shall hold Committee meetings at a minimum frequency of 4 times per annum, the date of a following meeting being fixed by vote each time
7.9 'Full Membership Meetings' (outside of the AGM and Special General Meetings) shall be determined by the Committee if and when the need exists. Such meetings shall be open to members and guests with Committee members and members having priority if space is short
7.10 Minutes of all meetings and dates of next meetings shall be freely made available to everyone. Copies of minutes and dates of meetings shall be posted on a website and in The Park
8. Special General Meetings
8.1 Either the Committee or 10 subscribed members writing in notification to the Secretary may call a Special General Meeting, which shall be held within one month of such notification
8.2 The Secretary shall give members two weeks notification of the meeting
8.3 Special General Meetings shall be conducted according to the same regulations governing AGM's
9. Alterations to the Constitution
9.1 The Constitution shall be altered only by a majority vote of members at an AGM or Special Meeting
9.2 The notification of such meetings shall make clear that such a vote is to take place and the proposed alterations set out in full in such notifications
10. Dissolution of The Group
10.1 The Group shall be dissolved only by two thirds majority of the members who attend and vote at an Annual General or Special General Meeting called for the purpose of dissolution
10.11 If The Group is dissolved all assets shall pass to a Registered Charity with a nature conservation focus as shall be determined by the meetinglace for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.